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Asko Washing Machine

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Asko Washing Machine Repairs Adelaide

Asko offers you a wide range of washing machines with their 8kg capacity front-loading models the most popular. The design of these machines is almost state of the art. They have built their washers minus a part called a bellow using a steel seal which in turns reduces the build-up of grime within your machine. Great news but alas like all models, your Asko machine may still break down.

What Can Go Wrong?

It could be a serious or a minor problem with your motor. It could be that the spinner has slowed down or even stopped altogether. Or it could be that the bearings have become loose and the casing is cracked. Many different things can go wrong. But having an expert and experienced technician who knows your make and model of machine will make all the difference. That’s what you’ll get from First Choice Washing Machine Repairs.


If you have trouble with your washer or dryer, you want to deal with a friendly repair company and get the job expertly repaired in the shortest possible time at a really competitive cost. Look no further because here are the benefits you will receive when choosing Express Washing Machine Repairs in Enfield.

  • They have no call-out fee
  • They are a family owned and operated business
  • They have more than 20 years experience
  • They service all suburbs of Adelaide
  • They service all makes and models of washers and dryers
  • They complete the vast majority of jobs on site
  • They offer a written 12 months warranty on all repairs
  • They are friendly and fully trained professionals
  • They are available 24/7
  • They offer pensioner discounts

Even the best makes and models of washers & dryers suffer problems from time to time. Have your issues sorted sooner by contacting the best in the washer repairs Adelaide.

Give them a call today – 0466 399 015