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Samsung Washing Machine

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Samsung Washing Machine

Samsung Washing Machine Repairs Adelaide

We’ve come a long way from hand washing and manual wringers with today’s fantastic washing machines. There is a huge range and they come in a variety of shapes and size making use of very small spaces in all sorts of settings including very small apartments. But having a range of machines which have all the bells and whistles to tackle your washing from big sheets to our delicates, doesn’t stop the jolly machines from breaking down. And that’s where the best washing machine repairs in Adelaide can come to your rescue.

What can go wrong?

Washing machines and dryers can suffer from all sorts of issues be they major or minor. For instance you may have a major engine problem, your spinner may have consistency matters, your casings may be cracked or you could have loose bearings. Some calls take more time than others but the benefits of dealing with the best washing machine repair business in Adelaide is your best, some would say your only choice.


When your washing machine or dryer (or both) experience problems, you want a number of things. Great service, a guarantee, great price, fast response and more. That’s where First Choice Washing Machine Repairs in Enfield are surely your first port of call.

  • No call-out fee
  • Family owned and operated business
  • More than 20 years experience
  • Service all suburbs of Adelaide
  • Service all makes and models of washers and dryers
  • Vast majority of jobs carried out on site
  • 12 months warranty on all repairs
  • Fully trained professionals, friendly too
  • Available 24/7
  • Pensioner discounts

We hate it when important equipment breaks down. Take comfort because you can get expert service quickly and at a highly competitive price.

Give them a call today – 0466 399 015