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LG washing machine

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LG washing machine repairs Adelaide

LG washing machine repairs Adelaide

Ask your grandparents, well your grandmother, about how she washed the sheets 50 years or more ago. Chances are she placed them into a copper and let them soak. They moved, with difficulty, by dragging the sheets around with a large stick. Maybe an early electric washing machine stirred them around a bit and then the sheets were hand rung. Oh happy days. Today LG make some of the best washing machines in the world but even they occasionally break down. Not to worry, call the best washing machine repairers in Adelaide and you’ll soon be back in business.

Even the best machines break down

Washing machines and dryers can suffer from all sorts of issues be they major or minor. For instance you may have a major engine problem, your spinner may have consistency matters, your casings may be cracked or you could have loose bearings. Some calls take more time than others but the benefits of dealing with the best washing machine repair business in Adelaide is your best, some would say your only choice. Having a technician as your repairer who deals with every make and model has got to be a good pointer.

Count the Ways First Choice Washing Machine Repairs will benefit you

It’s easy to claim to be a good repairer or even the best but put that claim to the test. Consider all these benefits you will receive from Adelaide’s First Choice Washing Machine Repairs.

  • Service all suburbs of Adelaide
  • Service all makes and models of washers and dryers
  • No call-out fee
  • Family owned and operated business
  • More than 20 years experience
  • Vast majority of jobs carried out on site
  • Services fridges too
  • 12 months warranty on all repairs
  • Fully trained professionals, friendly too
  • Available 24/7
  • Pensioner discounts

It’s a real pain when your washer, dryer or fridge bites the dust. Be confident it can soon be working perfectly by calling the best repairers in Adelaide.

Give them a call today – 0466 399 015